Instructions For Creating An Account And Depositing – Withdrawing Money On CoinEx

How to register CoinEx account?

1. Visit CoinEx official website ( and click [Sign Up] in the upper right corner.


2. After entering the registration page, enter your [Email] and [Password], fill in [referral Code] (optional), read and check [I’ve read & agreed with《CoinEx Terms of Service》], and then click [Sign Up].


Reminder: Your email address is significantly connected to your CoinEx account. Please make sure that the registered email address is secure, and set a complex password (a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols) with a high-security level. Remember and keep the password of the registered email account and the login password set when registering your CoinEx account.

3. Enter the [Email Verification Code] and click [Confirm].


4. After completing the above steps, registration is complete.



How to Complete ID Verification?

1. Visit CoinEx official website (, log in to your account first, then click [Account] in the upper right corner, and choose [Account Settings] in the drop-down menu.


2. Click [Personal Verification] on the page of [Account Settings].


3. Read the notes in the [Attention] section carefully,  tick the declaration checkbox, and click [I’m all set for ID Verification].


4. Fill in [Basic Info] correctly, and click [Next].


5. Choose one of the three ways to upload your ID document.

Note: Please submit the first page of your passport if you choose [Passport].


(1) Option 1: Choose [Continue on mobile], and select [Send link by email] or [Scan QR code instead] to upload the document.


(2) Option 2: Choose [Take photo using webcam], and click [Start] to take photos of your ID document.


(3) Option 3: Choose [Upload file from this device], then click [Choose file].

Note: Upload a color image of the entire document. Screenshots are not allowed. JPG, JPEG, or PNG format only.


6. You will be directed to different pages based on the country and ID document you chose.

(1) Face Recognition 

  • Center your face in the frame and follow the on-screen instructions.


(2) Handholding statement and ID document 

  •  Upload a photo of you holding both the ID document (front side) and a statement, then click [Submit]
  • Please write down the date of submission and the word “CoinEx”.


7. After completing the above steps, the result will be sent to your Email in 1-3 working days. Please check your mailbox in time.



1. ONLY JPG, JPEG, and PNG formats are supported.

2. Maximum photo size is 5M.

3. Fax copies and photocopies will not be accepted.

4. DO NOT photoshop or modify your photos.

5. Make sure the photo is not blurry, cropped, or blocked by other objects.

6. The photos should have no watermark.

7. Use ID document within validity.

8. The photo should present a full face with no other people.

9. Please confirm that the contents of the signature page include the word [CoinEx] and the current date in the statement.


How to Deposit Cryptos to CoinEx

1. Visit CoinEx official website (, log in to your account, and choose [Deposit] from the drop-down menu of [Assets] in the top-right corner.


2. How to Deposit Cryptos on CoinEx

(1) Select Coin/Token and your desired network on the [Deposit] page to get your deposit address.

(2) Submit a withdrawal on the sending platform.

(3) Wait till your transaction is confirmed on the blockchain.

(4) Your deposit will be credited automatically after it receives enough block confirmations specified by CoinEx.

(5) Click here to view your deposit records.


Take USDT-TRC20 as an example:

(1) Select Token [USDT].

(2) Select Network [TRC20].

(3) Fill in receiving address on your sending platform by [Copy Address] or [Scan QR Code], and submit a withdrawal.

(4) After the withdrawal is successful, wait for your USDT deposit to be credited.

a. Copy Address


b. Scan QR Code 


Note: CoinEx has requirements on minimum deposit amount and deposit confirmations. Please read the reminder on the [Deposit] page carefully.


3. Label Coin deposit

For Label Coin deposits (EOS, XLM, LUNA, etc.), Memo/Tag and address are BOTH REQUIRED. If you send funds without Memo/Tag or with wrong Memo/Tag, your deposit will NOT be credited automatically.



How to Withdraw Cryptos from CoinEx

1. Visit CoinEx official website ( and log in to your account, choose [Withdraw] in the drop-down menu of [Assets] in the upper right corner.


2. Fill in withdrawal details (take USDT-TRC20 as an example)

(1) Select token [USDT];

(2) Click [Normal Transfer];

(3) Select Network [TRC20];

(4) Enter Withdrawal Address;

(5) Enter Receive Amount (Deduction=Receive Amount+Withdrawal Fees);

(6) Double-check transaction details and click [Withdraw].


Notes: CoinEx has a minimum withdrawal limit, and the arrival time depends on the number of confirmations required by the recipient. Please read the reminder on the right of the withdrawal page carefully.


3. Depending on which 2FA you use, enter [SMS code] or [TOTP code] for verification.


4. After 2FA is verified, you will receive a system email with the subject of [CoinEx] Withdrawal Confirmation. If you fail to receive the confirmation email, please click [Resend Email] on the Withdrawal Detail page. If the withdrawal details are wrong, click the [Cancel] button.


5. Confirm the withdrawal amount and withdrawal address in the email, then click [Reconfirm].



(1) For security purposes, the withdrawal confirmation link is valid for ONLY 30 minutes. If you did not perform this action, please change your password or submit a ticket.

(2) If you do not confirm the withdrawal in the confirmation email within 24 hours, your withdrawal request will be canceled automatically and the assets won’t be deducted from your account.

6. After double-checking the withdrawal details, click [Approve] to submit the withdrawal request.


7. Once the withdrawal is sent, you will receive a system email with the subject of [CoinEx] Notification on Approved Withdrawal Request.


8. You can visit the [Withdrawal Records] page for more details after the withdrawal is sent.



1. If you want to withdraw cryptos to another CoinEx account, it is recommended to use [Inter-User Transfer] with 0 fees.

2. Network crowdedness, withdrawal speed, withdrawal fees, number of confirmations required, and other factors may vary on different networks. When submitting a withdrawal request, please confirm that the network you select on CoinEx is the SAME as that network you select on the receiving platform. Otherwise, any loss incurred cannot be recovered.

3. To avoid asset loss, please confirm if the label (Memo, Tag, etc.) is required by the recipient before submitting Label Coin withdrawal request.

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