About Bitget

  • Established in 2018, Bitget is now the world’s largest crypto copy trading platform.
  • Serving over 8 million users globally, it is now expanding its range of services from futures trading and copy trading to spot trading, Launchpad, staking, and more, providing users with access to more than 500 coins and 500 trading pairs. According to CoinGecko, Bitget is currently a top 5 futures trading platform and a top 10 spot trading platform.

The services Biget provides to users is very rich:

  1. Spot Trading
  2. Future Trading
  3. Copy Trading
  4. Bitget Earn (Comprehensive investment & investment management)
  5. Saving (Earn daily profit with the idle tokens)
  6. Staking
  7. Crypto Loans (Quick loans with crypto assets)
  8. Dual Investment (Buy low, sell high: profits in both rise and fall)
  9. Shark Fin ( Guarantee your principal, pursue higher returns)
  10. Smart Trend (Guess the trends right, enjoy higher yields)
  11. Rang Snipper (Catch price ranges, gain higher returns)
  12. Launchpad (Get ahead with hot and new tokens)
  13. Launchpool (Stake mine hot and new tokens)

Bitget Protection Fund

  • The Bitget Protection Fund gives their platform an extra layer of resilience against cybersecurity threats.
  • Users who have their accounts compromised or assets stolen or lost due to events not attributable to their own actions or trading behavior may make a claim through the Bitget Protection Fund.

Biget has proof of reserves

  • The term proof of reserves refers to an auditing procedure that verifies the holdings of an exchange through cryptographic proofs, public wallet ownership, and recurring audits. The custodian provides transparency and proof of the existence of liquid on-chain reserves that exceed or equal the sum of all user holdings.
  • To achieve this, Bitget stores the hash of each user account’s assets in a leaf node on the Merkle tree. Each user can verify that their assets exist in the Merkle tree by checking the total amount of user assets stored in the Merkle tree leaf nodes.
  • If the total amount verified is greater than or equal to 100%, this means that the platform has proven that it can cover all user assets.

Advantages of Bitget compared to other exchanges:

  • Transaction fee: Low. 0.1% for both maker and taker and the fee will be 0.05% when using GT exchange coin
  • Transfer fee: No deposit fee, very low withdrawal fee, for example, 0.01 LTC (~0.5$)
  • Services: Margin and OTC available, especially OTC directly linked with Remitano and Coincola. These are 2 very famous fiat-crypto exchanges in Vietnam and Hong Kong
  • Cooperation with many large companies in the field of community communication and security
  • Huge community on communication channels: Telegram, Twitter, Facebook, Wechat, etc.
  • Potential: Undertaking development investment for international and Vietnamese markets
  • Sharing operation: commission up to 50% of friends’ transaction fees, and pay directly in USDT, very convenient and different from other exchanges.
  • Support: There is a community in Vietnam so problems will be solved quickly
    Interface: easy-to-see design, extremely simple operations, easy to use even for beginners.

Above is the basic information about the Bitget exchange. If you do not have an account, click here to register. Good luck with your investment!

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